This workshop introduces participants to the complex of causal factors and consequences of chemical dependency in relation to violent behaviours.
These are often at the core of our most costly long-term community problems in the areas of health, education and public safety.
The connections between addictive behaviours and recovery through focusing on the 11th step in the twelve step AA program are explored.
Addictions – Violence and Spirituality is © Copyright We Al-li 2011-2021
Download the training brief here.
About the artwork:
Highlighting the trauma of ‘selficide’ – the self medicating, numbing of pain and disconnection from real feelings. ‘Like a pressure cooker – we bottle things up’. Women internalise things. Men externalise things. Drugs, alcohol, work and gambling illustrate the activities Indigenous people involve themselves with to numb and disconnect from the pain they are feeling. They continually avoid dealing with the real issues by suppressing them. This painting aims to make sense of these issues and show that there is an alternative way to move forward. We need to re-build our damaged spirit by addressing the ‘real’ issues and by re-building we will get the strength for positive choices.
© Artwork and narration by Christopher Edwards- Haines