Professional and Cultural Supervision

We Al-li boasts over 20 years of experience in providing culturally-responsive professional and cultural supervision support to both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal workers, led by trauma-integrated First Nations practitioners. 

Our services are grounded in the values of reciprocity, respect, relatedness, resonance, rights, resilience, and responsibility, aligning with our Culturally Informed Trauma Integrated Healing Framework.


We Al-li’s Cultural Supervision is available for both First Nations and non-First Nations people, from one of our First Nations or non-First Nations facilitators. 

External Cultural Supervision


External cultural supervision provides a safe environment for individuals to reflect critically on personal issues, develop skills, and enhance resilience and well-being, thus fostering competence in the workplace.

We Al-li recognise the absence of cultural knowledge in many supervision models. Therefore, we offer a culturally informed approach based on our Culturally Informed Trauma Integrated Healing Approach (CITIHA).

Non-Aboriginal individuals often seek cultural supervision to improve their ability to connect with Indigenous peoples and communities. While there may be genuine respect, there’s often a lack of confidence in building relationships and establishing cultural safety in the workplace.

Similarly, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people seek cultural supervision to navigate complex dynamics, balancing their roles within both their community/family and their organisation.

Our cultural supervision aims to cultivate understanding and skills for creating and maintaining culturally safe spaces, facilitating exploration of one’s own cultural background and its intersections with others’. We support participants, through reflexive practice to listening deeply to themselves, considering their own cultural ways, which allows deeper understanding of the cultural ways of others and also their workplace culture. 

The CITIHA model builds a culturally safe framework, grounded in mutual respect and reciprocity. It is applicable in one-on-one supervision, group settings, and systemic transformation efforts.

Receive Professional Supervision by one of our qualified staff, either as a one-off or as an ongoing process.