
DELVE-ing into Cultural Humility

The work of First Nations leaders in education and healing, Emeritus Professor Judy Atkinson and Dr Tyson Yunkaporta has guided Mathers work for many years in her project creation and delivery in education, training, mental health and social and emotional wellbeing. 

Mathers’ participation in the We Al-li Workshops as a non-First Nations participant was life changing and inspired her to share her learnings and experience with others and to continue her own personal and ancestral healing journey so she could be part of the solution.

In these pages, you will see a snapshot of what is possible when we engage the DELVE formula. By applying this pathway to her real-life projects and experiences, Mathers has created a succinct and practical resource for those who wish to become part of creating a new nation that respects the Human Rights of all. This book is a guide to learning Cultural Humility.



DELVE-ing into Cultural Humility – How Respect and Deep Listening Can Heal a Nation is born out of Mathers’ experience of working with First Nations people of Australia over the course of more than two decades. During this time, she experienced firsthand the impact of our traumatized, fragmented, and broken systems on First Nations people and indeed us all. 

Mathers discovered that the wounds created by colonization remain in the collective psyche and are passed down through the generations, compounding as they go. She learned that through respect, deep listening, truth-telling, and collaboration it was possible to find healing and the capacity to move forward.

After years of mentorship by and with First Nations people and after experiencing repeated burnout, seeking out healing of her own, Mathers created The DELVE Formula™ as a collaborative way to implement change in our nation.

  • Deconstruct—how did we get here as a nation?
  • Explore—the impact of abuse of Human Rights on us all
  • Listen—and learn, with deep presence to the stories of First Nations people
  • Viable—what First Nations-led/collaborative initiatives are working?
  • Energise—what works and fund community-led, place-based initiatives

“This is important work; it is through deep listening and walking together with mutual respect that we can create a new way forward”, explains Emeritus Professor Judy Atkinson, Jiman and Bunjalung woman Founder of We Al-li Ltd.

You can also purchase the book from Amazon and/or Cindy Anne Mathers’ website.

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